Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Musings and Random Thoughts

OK, so I now realize that until I get more followers, this is just going to be like a diary for me and not so much of a dialogue.  That's fine.  I can cope.  Here goes...

One of the sad truths I've learned about teachers (and probably people in any other profession as well...) is that there are really three kinds of teachers:  Those who can but won't, those who try but can't, and those who simply do.  I realize that there are shades of gray in between these, but for the most part, as far as doing what is right by students is concerned, we really need to give our all or go home.  We all have an occasional bad day, but we need to understand that it is a privilege to work in schools and serve our students.  What we do IS a job.  We can't whine or complain because we have to stay late one evening to meet with parents.  We can't let "good enough" be good enough. 

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